Science Games Are Getting Exciting!!!

January 21, 2024
Topics: playing

This week, I have been busy play testing some really fun and really innovative new games!!  I will be blogging about them here soon. Have you played anything you are excited about?  Have we got your favorite game listed here yet?  Suggest it.  And then write a review for it, so everyone who comes by will see what you think is so good about it.   People want games for many different reasons.  Hearing what others like helps people decide what ... Keep reading

Science Game Studio Class at MICA

February 10, 2023
Topics: education, game development, science

2023 01 20 I have a photo that I am fond of.  In the photo, my game design students wait in line to show their game ideas to scientists.   On left is Dr. Rafael Bisso Machado, a scientist in Porto Alegre, Brazil and on right is Gaia Mortier, a grad student in Reading, England. On left they are discussing a game about the effects of geography, culture, and genetics on Human evolution. On the right they are discussing what kinds of information we can ... Keep reading

Video Games Are for Science Dissemination

November 7, 2022
Topics: Science Dissemination, Citizen Science, Video Games

This post is by Rafael Bisso-Machado, Ph.D. who is a scientist, studying Human population genetics in Brazil.  He works at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, which is the State University of a state called Rio Grande Do Sul in the southern part of Brazil. You can find it on the map here. Dr. Bisso-Machado is also a video game player and he is planning to participate in our Science Game Jam, coming up in 2023.   Introduction: What is S... Keep reading

Microscopya – A New Game Exploring the Beauty of the Molecular World

July 11, 2022
Topics: playing

Microscopya cover web Microscopya shares the fascinating world inside our cells to inspire the next generation of STEM leaders Beata Science Art is offering a fresh take on science communication by announcing the release of Microscopya on July 8, 2022. Taking the player on a fantastical journey through the inside of the cell, Microscopya aims to spark curiosity and excitement about science while bringing awareness to careers in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineer... Keep reading

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